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  1. Yes, it's their fault. But unless someone complains, they don't care or don't even know about it. I cannot complain, because I don't have control over the AV software. And our IT department just tells us "use Gimp instead". So I am stuck, until the developers of paint.net theirselves take action and modify their software or ask Cisco to modify their search engine.
  2. Hello, the Security Software "CISCO AMP for Endpoints" has detected all recent versions of Paint.Net as virus. But not right away, but when I saved a couple of images (mostly PNG) in a short time. The reply of our IT department on that problem is: "Hier wird eine KI in Kombination mit einem Sandboxing-Verfahren genutzt um das Verhalten einer Anwendung zu analysieren und zu bewerten. Hierbei werden sehr unterschiedliche Dinge betrachtet und es ist dann nicht nur das schnelle Speichern von Dateien die dann zur Sperrung führen. Vielmehr ist es so, dass Paint.Net wohl in seinem Gesamtverhalten ein paar Dinge tut, die die KI dazu veranlassen dass es sozusagen vorbelastet ist. Kommt dann noch eine Aktion wie zum Beispiel das schnelle Abspeichern von Dateien hinzu, bringt das quasi das Fass zum Überlaufen und Paint.Net wird in die Quarantäne geschoben weil es plötzlich in seiner Gesamtheit als bedrohlich eingestuft wird." My (free) translation into English: "A combination of KI and Sandboxing is used to analyse and evaluate the behaviour of the application. Very different things are considered and it's not only the fast saving of files that lead to a blocking. Paint.Net in its overall behaviour seems to do some things that lead to a classification of the application as risk, and the fast saving just seems to be the missing piece that eventually triggers the KI and the application is put into quarantine because it is then classified as a threat." You might want to send your application to CISCO and ask for support on how to secure it against a false detection as virus. Best regards Tobias
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