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Everything posted by Reima

  1. Thank you, I'll give it a shot! Your suggestion about erasing what I don't need on a dupe layer is already making this a lot easier, I'll play around with the effects too. Thanks soo much
  2. Hello all, So... I am not new to recoloring parts of an image. I like to create custom textures for games that I play, I will sometimes change the hair and eye color of a character, or change things about backgrounds and such. This is a first for me, but I am having a really hard time with selecting the appropriate area because the whole image is so similar in color, I guess? Rather pastel-ey. The lasso effect was not super accurate. I missed tiny bits and pieces that made it look obvious once I changed the color of my selected area. I've tried downloading a pluggin with some other color effects, but nothing has worked so far. It always just bleeds together, everything does. I have also tried simply creating a transparent layer and hand painting the parts I wanted to change, but the problem is I need to darken those parts before I recolor them or it won't look the way I want it to, meaning the whole image is changed when I only want parts of it to be. Otherwise, just laying color over something already having a lot of color in it just makes it look off. I hope I was able to describe the issue, I feel like I am talking nonsense lol. Any tips?
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