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Everything posted by KeepTrying101

  1. Thank you for all your responses, toe_head2001 the flow I used was increasing 'Value' to 100 (of a new layer) then using the paint bucket to fill. If I then selected the colour picker the Value would revert to 0. By changing the Blending Mode to overwrite my issue is solved - thank you. Noted re the AlphaMask pluggin - thank you
  2. Hi, is there a way I can revert this back to FFFFFF when creating new layers? if I change this in colour palette and fill the layer it doesnt seem to take effect properly - ie when I use the colour picker it reverts to 00000000? Reason I ask is that I use multiple layers to make metalic / 3d text by bluring / splintering and embossing text - then use alpha mask from a duplicated layer of the original text - this results in there being a filled background where as in the previous version the fill surrounding my text was transparent. Any help would be appreciated or if there was a way to download the previous version as a workaround? Kind regards.
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