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Everything posted by Gardenburg

  1. Thanks for the response! I'm not sure there's a defined pattern or sequence that kills the input, but could you try something? I swear, if what I'm experiencing is common, it'll happen really quickly, and will reoccur often. Please open several images--any or all can be new/blank. Now, select a different image by clicking on its thumbnail from the top of the window, and try switching to a different tool using a keyboard shortcut. If it successfully switches, click on a different thumbnail to switch to a different image, and try switching to a different tool. Keep doing this until you get an instance where the keyboard shortcut doesn't register. Then continue clicking on different image thumbnails, trying the key again until it does register. I've opened and closed paint.net a few times to see if this only happens during some sessions, but the issue occurred frequently during each session with a wide variety of tools/shortcuts. Whenever the input fails, the only surefire way to get it to work again is by clicking somewhere in the paint.net window. Doing so will not stop the input from dropping. It is a persistent problem for me. Thanks again!
  2. This may be really the only situation where it's happening, and not just with the select tool, just whenever opening a new image or switching between images. I opened up a bunch of new, blank images and tried switching tools with the hotkeys after switching to a different image, and fairly often the tool doesn't switch. If I continue to select other images from the header thumbnails, eventually keyboard input will be accepted, even for the same hotkey that was attempted before. Thanks for your comment.
  3. Hi, I'm new to the forum, but have been using paint.net for years (for making textures for a game). Overall, I love it! The issue I'm having is that during every work session, input from the keyboard periodically drops. For example, I'll be drawing a border or something using the brush tool, then I hit "F" to use the paint bucket, then fill the region, then hit "B" again for the brush, but... the tool doesn't switch. Any time this happens, I have to mouse click somewhere inside the paint.net window for keyboard input to be accepted again. I'm not sure the frequency of this occurrence is tool dependent--it doesn't just happen after using the paint bucket tool. This issue has been a mainstay in my work going back maybe seven years, through multiple computers, tablets, and versions of paint.net (I update the software whenever prompted). It happens very regularly during the course of a session--maybe as often as once per minute when I'm steadily working and switching tools frequently. I've just never been so irritated by it until very recently. Does this happen for anyone else? Thank you!
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