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Posts posted by xchellx

  1. I am making a FileType plugin where I read mipmap data from the file. Each mipmap is 2x smaller than each mipmap read. The issue is, having each layer the same size as the document size while using `CopyFromGdipBitmap` causes the image to repeat for the entire width of the image (not for the height though). Yes I am converting to bitmap then using `CopyFromGdipBitmap` because the file stores texture data in sequences of blocks of various sizes, and in the end its stored into an array full of pixel data but not x/y coordinates. Ergo I cant do `layer.Surface[x, y] = ...;`. How do I create a layer that is smaller in size compared to the document? Or is there an alternative to `CopyFromGdipBitmap` that supports data that is smaller than the document/layer?


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