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Posts posted by AP2020

  1. On 1/27/2024 at 1:12 AM, Reptillian said:

    .ora standards changed


    I have to use Krita to open them, but it seems a better buffer solution than animated GIf. I just couldn't find its structure.



    On 1/27/2024 at 3:35 AM, Rick Brewster said:

    layer folders


  2. I know that the pdn files are the serialization of the .NET objects used in the program.
    I would like to request that the necessary code be released to be able to read, at least in other .NET programs, the contents of the layers, so that we have a list of color matrices, one per layer.
    What I would like to achieve is a function similar to

    List<byte[,,]> ReadPdn(string filePath)


    List<Color[,]> ReadPdn(string filePath)

    the kind of summation of levels would also be useful, but I don't need it for my current purpose.

  3. I found at least two disussions asking about porting Paint.NET to android
    both closed!
    I know android is a closed platform and that Paint.NET is connected to the NET platform, but it has been a few years and there are openings from Microsoft to be compatible on android.
    Is it still too early to make a porting?
    I am looking for a drawing app for android but the playstore is a receptacle for thieves: apps overflowing with ads, in-app purchases in order to do the little thing and stealing personal data.
    Paint.NET is a really free program and it would be really handy to have it on a mobile device!

  4. Sorry @Djisves, your idea is good but it has 2 problems:

    1. I have a many images and the computer crashed, processing one file at a time I suppose wouldn't have happened;
    2. also my files have different sizes, so all the extracted layers would have been the size of the biggest image.

    Maybe I was explaining myself wrong. My intention was not only to convert to layers, but also to export them to png

  5. I know that unfortunately Paint.NET does not natively have either batch operations or command line arguments.


    I would like to convert a sequence of PDNs to JPG (or other format, at 50%) and would like to export the layers to PNG naming them fileName_LayerName.png, or export the layers, or recombine them with each other based on certain conditions (e.g. the name or the ratio of transparent to colored area).


    I found "pdnbulkupdater" but it only contains sources that I can't compile. I also found the dll and the program that installs it but no new menu seems to have been added to the program.


    Is there any other way to perform batch operations?
    If someone has managed to get pdnbulkupdater working can they publish a videotutorial on how to install and use it?

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