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Posts posted by BTRIPP

  1. On 11/15/2020 at 9:44 AM, Djisves said:

    The "globe thing" is under Layers, like @Pixey wrote above.

    Black and Alpha+ is a plugin you'll need to install.


    You mention you have a fresh installation of PDN. I think you may need to install a few more of your favourite plugins. Look for them by browsing the Plugin Publishing forum or use the Plugin Index for a search.  

    Thanks!  I don't recall installing plug-ins before, but I've been using PDN for ages, so could have forgotten.

  2. On 11/15/2020 at 8:17 AM, Pixey said:

    Hello @BTRIPP and welcome :)


    Are you talking about these in the Adjustments drop down?



    Also, the 'little globe' is it the Rotate/Zoom perhaps?  Look under Layers to find that.

    Yeah, I don't currently have the "Black and Alpha" option.


    Thanks for pointing me to the Layers tab ... I thought I'd looked through everything to find the Rotate/Zoom thing, but evidently I managed to miss it!



  3. Hi ...


    I just switched over to a new computer and did a fresh install on Paint.net (4.2.14).  I was working on a project and was wanting to switch a black & white image over to Black and Alpha, and was very confused that this was no longer in the Adjustments menu.  Has this been removed???  What other options would I have in taking out all the white and making those parts transparent?


    Also ... and this my just be "messed up time lines" talking ... didn't there used to be a perspective tool that was a little globe that you could select an item and shift it around?  I was expecting that to be there as well, but maybe I've been bumped out of the time line where that existed!



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