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Everything posted by 5ynt4x_3rr0r_

  1. You have cursed me with days upon days of searching for how to have runtime elevation (is that what it's called?) in windows while devs at microsoft be like "hey Mike, should we finally add the ability for processes to be elevated during runtime? Nah Joe, too much woooooorrrk."
  2. Hmm... ˜ A ÿÿÿÿ ðC KPaintDotNet, Version=4.210.7348.40816, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=nullZ OQ ú.HistoryMementos.Selection + @DataT u#<Saved& ø>k__BackingFieldy + è ¸ P, OCoreû -,V ?BasV .± Ø t ðbaseGeometrycontinuac 7(<C ¼CombineModeBü$<CumulativeTransform% Ÿ!<Interim" "a¤Rendering.” @Listˆ' N ÛË Þ%% s ð Matrix3x2Double4* X ÿ øÿÿÿŒ ± value__ B ê _÷ÿÿÿy p ó m11m12m21m22offsetX YÀ1 Ó "ð? Pöÿÿÿ“ + ! ž · ø ðfrozendeferred à € 0 ! D ªUÿ "UU PÿUUUÿ history saving maybe? (those were 2 different files in the sessiondata folder) EDIT: started up paint.net, new folder + session.lock file inside of it. hmm... EDIT 2: and it's empty...
  3. So I was drawing some gigantic pixel art when my computer crashed. For some reason PDN doesn't autosave your work (at least not by default and on my older version) but I thought my pictures must have at least been cached. I assume that the files it does that in are C:\Users\username\Appdata\Local\paint.net\SessionData\<someLongNumber>\<someOtherLongNumber>.ch.lz4. My question is, what data is stored inside those .ch.lz4 files, and what can I do with that. Even if I can't use it to recover the work I spent so long on, I'm still very curious about what those files are. I've already tried opening them as a standard picture file (open with > paint.net) and compressed file (open with > winrar) and that didn't work.
  4. I just meant if you choose to install paint.net somewhere that you don't need admin to access the installer shouldn't need admin to install
  5. Wait so if you can chose the install location before installing why do you need admin upon launch of the installer? If you chose to install it to AppData or an external disk or something it shouldn't need admin to install. It should only need to request admin once you hit install with the install location set to somewhere that a standard user or program w/o admin can't write to.
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