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Everything posted by ig9000

  1. Putting all of the files in \filetypes\ seems to have worked fine. Thanks for the replies!
  2. I got a new computer so I decided to be nice and purchase the Windows Store version. However, when I am installing plugins I am running into a problem on one specific plugin (YES, I did read the instructions and YES I am using the Documents\paint.net App Files\ location). The "'PostScript' FileType Plugin" requires two files to be placed in the \FileTypes\ folder (fine), but it also requires two files to be placed in the paint.net\ root folder. This is the specific instruction from the plugin's readme file: "Copy the two files OptionBasedLibrary vX.X.dll/.dlc to the Paint.NET\ folder (NOT to Paint.NET\FileTypes\ !!!)" But on the Windows Store version I am not sure where I can place the files. I attempted to place the files in the Documents\Paint.net App Files\ folder, but it does not seem to be working and the plugin error reports the system cannot file the file specified. Is there a way to make this work?
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