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Posts posted by InfiniteStates

  1. Yeah that's exactly the folder structure I have and exactly what I was expecting to see - but I'm not.


    I've just tried copying the paint.net App Files folder into all user document folders (mine, default, default.migrated and public) but no joy in any


    Is there a boot log so I can see any further info?


  2. Hi!


    I'm loving paint.net for all my image editing needs - it's finally dislodged Paint Shop Pro as my go to art package, I've been clinging to that since the 90s lol


    However, I've just tried to install a plug in with no joy.


    I'm using a store bought version (4.1.5) on Windows 10, so have set up the folders C:\Users\<ME>\Documents\paint.net App Files\FileTypes etc


    But the plug-in isn't working. As a test I've installed some effect plug-ins as well but they aren't showing up either


    I can't see a plug-in loading tab in settings to check for errors


    What am I doing wrong?


    Thanks in advance!

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