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  1. Yeah I was going to get around to doing that but I wanted to clear it up from the damage first, so did I do it backwards? Fix the color first then touch up the rest? Did you notice that the jean pattern is the same on both legs? That's why I don't know why in the world I didn't just do the same for the guitar, lol.
  2. Sorry for the delay, I guess I missed the email. A picture, of course. This is the guitar, it was heavily damaged so most of the "pearl" is gone. I think I will do like Iron67 said, I don't know why I didn't think of that, I have done it before, using the eraser to erase where I don't want it. It doesn't have to be perfect, it's just a picture of me about 35 years ago, lol, it will look a lot better. I will post the original damaged photo as well. Thanks for the responses, I still have quite a bit of work to do on it but here it is.
  3. I know this has to have been asked before, I am pretty self sufficient at learning this type of things but I have been trying to figure out what the Fill tool (pictured) is properly used for and in all my searches for fill comes up with how to use the paint bucket. I have played with it a little but I have not had a use for it just used the way it is, by clicking one of the choices. I think I may have a use for it if I can figure out how to do it. I am restoring a picture that has been water damaged (the hard copy) and in it is a guitar with a type of pearl flakes or metallic flakes in the paint, I was thinking if I used a percent, like the 25 percent I could do this. The only other option I know of is to match the base color of the guitar and go back over it with the pencil with the pearl color and click 1 pixel at a time until I get the desired results, 4 hrs later, lol. Can that be done with this tool? If not what is it used for? I just thought of something this second, is this tool meant to be used with layers? Thank you - Chip
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