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Phil E.

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  1. So, my recent one is Smiley.xam- WAIT! Do I have to drag the .xaml or copy it? Edit: I don't know why the shape disappears... Do I have to move it to a folder inside Shapes or move it to Shapes itself?
  2. PhilV2.xaml and Phil.xaml did not come out well. Pixey! I'll make a video about what happens.
  3. BTW, Another error: my shape gets messed up when putting into the shapes tool
  4. It was made in ShapeMaker, but it does not appear, What am I doing wrong?
  5. Actually, EVERYTHING I TRIED did not work.
  6. Thanks for your help: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=Phil.xaml EDIT: Ghost worked but mines don't.
  7. I put the exact file into Shapes but it won't appear...
  8. How do I draw it if it's not there?
  9. I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE SHAPE... NOT THE EFFECTS MENU! I go to the shapes tool, but the created shape won't load!
  10. I can't see the shape on the Shape menu.
  11. I did EXACTLY everything and it did not work.
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