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Posts posted by VL4DST3R

  1. 8 minutes ago, BoltBait said:


    You are complaining about a built-in function Effects > Stylize > Outline and not the Effects > Object > Outline plugin that is part of my plugin pack.


    @Rick Brewster should probably break your comment out into it's own thread.

    My bad, figured i should look if this issue was already reported and when i saw the user's post above mine figured this was the 5.0 thread, but forgot to actually check. I didn't realize i was hijacking yours.

  2. Just came here to report some wonkyness with the outline as well. The first time you outline something, all colors get inverted and in general looks very broken. If you attempt to run it again (what i would do before to obtain thicker outlines) transparency is completely broken and replaced with white, and the previously broken image now gets even more broken, with odd transparent segments and overlapping different colors now multiply with one another

    It's quite the spectacle if you keep repeating the effect, but clearly not what should happen.

    (Should i make a separate thread describing the issue in more detail?)

  3. On 9/27/2018 at 12:51 AM, Rick Brewster said:

    I've got a fix for issue #1 that'll be in the upcoming 4.1.2 update. This was pretty easy to fix by rendering to a layer* first at full opacity, and then composing the layer on top of the canvas with the desired opacity. Compare this to 4.1.1 and earlier where the grid pixels were all drawn directly to the canvas at the desired opacity -- so, as you saw, grid pixels that overlapped would get darker.


    * a Direct2D layer, not a Paint.NET layer :)

    Sorry to revive this old thread but i either never noticed it or this issue seems to be back at least as of 4.3.12? i haven't checked in a while as i rarely work with pixelart. Having grid enabled still seems to generate some funky patterns when zooming out past a certain point:
    2089847942_pixelgrid.png.984ddf706f086de32ca64dcd26ef1fbc.png  (increased contrast for the sake of visibility)

    Not sure if it's the same scope as the original issue but i reckon an easier fix would be to stop rendering the grid at smaller zoom levels entirely, say, under 600% zoom, similar to how photoshop does it, showing it only when you actually go in up close.

  4. On 1/7/2021 at 6:21 PM, Rick Brewster said:

    It's a long-standing issue that I just haven't addressed yet. It's more complicated than you'd think because the Shape rendering code has to handle floating point, not just integer, coordinates, as well as arbitrary 3x2 matrix transforms. Detecting that a pixel-aligned circle is being drawn isn't as straightforward as I'd hoped.

    I think i get what you mean. Would having an edge case check when the user selects 1px shape drawing and treat it as just integers help in this case? Edge cases isn't really what you want to add in but i imagine it would be acceptable for at least a temporary fix. I thankfully needed to create only a handful of pixelated circles, but i can see other users using this a lot more than i in their regular workflow and this would help immensely.

  5. I noticed that drawing low-res circles (for pixelart) with the shapes tool results in deformed circles on almost every radius if using a width of 1.

    Using something like https://donatstudios.com/PixelCircleGenerator shows how it should scale up.

    First circle in each set is the one done by hand and the second is the one made by the shapes tool.

    Screenshot 2021-01-06 181230.png

  6. Quote

    Fixed the Magic Wand and Paint Bucket tools so that they do calculations in the premultiplied alpha color space. This ensures that transparent colors (alpha=0) with different RGB values are treated as equal, and do not create borders.

    Nice to see this finally fixed, but that being said, sometimes it was actually useful to have a way to differentiate between the two. It would help you see edited areas on an image or even as a form of rudiementary stenography to hide stuff with it. Would it be possible to toggle between the new and old way of treating the selections?

  7. The anti-aliasing option doesn't seem to work if one of the colors is transparent, i get jagged edges with it regardless if enabled or disabled, even though in preview it shows up fine. Also even with randomness disabled there still seems to be some randomness present in the final result. This is why i came here, and while i discovered i had an older version of your plugin and was hoping updating it would fix the issues, sadly both are still present. Any hope for a fix?

    I have provided an example of the randomness in a simple straight line of one of the rays here. I adjusted the luminosity curves to accentuate the gradient differences, but other than that this is how the addon renders the lines with AA enabled. Second picture similarly shows how an even number of rays rendered -which should mirror perfectly in both directions with one another- are not the same on both sides. It can be observed in the zig-zagging line that forms between the gradients. There is also the fact that adjusting seemingly unrelated options causes  the above  mentioned patterns to shift, but never align or repeat properly

  8. To be honest i think i liked the old icons a bit more. Maybe it's just something to get used to but some of the new tool icons seem a bit too colorful now, like the shapes tool, while others are a bit harder to distinguish what they do/represent, for example the eraser or the recolor tool. In those cases the old ones seemed to their job a bit better imo.

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  9. On 02.09.2016 at 10:43 PM, Ego Eram Reputo said:

    Change your AV software? It doesn't seem to be doing your sanity much good if it is causing you such problems.

    Yes many plugins will slow paint.net startup appreciably. You would need hundreds though. Ruthlessly cull some you don't use.

    The AV in question is windows defender, and this didnt happen before the latest update.


    On 02.09.2016 at 11:26 PM, Rick Brewster said:

    Sounds like you already figured out what the problem is (more plugins) and the solution for it (less plugins)

    Dont get me wrong, im not using 100's of addons, i actually recently went trough and deleted a good chunk of them, but the problem is still there

  10. I recently noticed a decline in overall startup times, that eventually gets so bad that it basically freezes indefinitely the whole program. Sometimes it freezes right away after you open it and you get the balnk canvas, other times when you try and open an image, or even when you want to save your changes, The good news is that I managed to find the culprit: addons and the AV (in my case Windows Defender). Let me explain. I first started using Paint.NET about 3 years ago and since then i've been in love with it. From time to time i like to come on the forums and see what new plugins people have made for it and eventually end up getting one or two. The problem is that i noticed a decline in startup performance with every "fruitful visit" but i scratched it off as "well, it has to load more". I think this whole problem comes from the fact that the addons are .dlls and the av freaks out when it sees you download/move/acces so many in such little time and locks everything up. And i know the AV is to blame because if i disable it everything is back to normal, so i ruled out a bad/outdated plugin that i may use. But the question remains: how can i make them play nice ?


    Here is a short clip showing the problem.

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