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Everything posted by rhroyston

  1. A Material Design plugin would get someone lots of love and respect. I have never viewed Paint.net as a Microsoft centric product (since it's free it closer resembles open source) and see no reason why Material Design would conflict with Paint.net's constitution. I wish I could develop that plugin. It would surely become a top plugin quickly. I need that plugin!
  2. The colors can be gotten using the color picker tool. The colors widget (cntrl + shift +f8) allows you to view 'More' which shows the hex and rgb values also. So, just get a screen capture and paste it in Paint.net and use the color picker. BTW, I created a Material Design Swatch that provides Material Design colors for you. https://rack.pub/swatch or on codepen at http://codepen.io/rhroyston/pen/pbPqbY.
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