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Everything posted by Rhaonoa

  1. Thanks both of you! I'll be trying it out. Good luck, thanks.
  2. Let's say I have a real image with shadows, lighting and stuff; and I want to make it single-colored for each color or something alike, so it ends up looking like a painting Example: thanks!
  3. I resized the image, and not the canvas. What would be the different between both, and could I get a bit more specified answer on how to do so? Thanks.
  4. Hello again! Now, I was wondering this one basic thing I just attempted doing out of boredom so, let's say I found a cool image on some social media I'm in, and that I wanted to make a wallpaper/background for myself with it, and I've been working on it for few minutes; once I'm done, I try to set it as my background, but guess what: it looks kinda pixelated and like if it was in low quality, while I look at it in paint.net, it looks completely fine. What can I do to get it to work properly and look "full HD/quality" for my background? I already tried resizing and using templates, but it won't work. Anyways, here's the picture, I didn't add too much detail or effect into it, or at least I wouldn't consider it anything at all; I'm not done with it, and I still need to get rid of the white dots around the character and other stuff alike, but I'd rather get this doubt out of my head before I work too much on it...yeah. It looks fine in the Windows visor, paint.net, and everywhere else, but as my screensaver the quality goes lower or it gets pixelated, what can I do to fix it, or to make it higher quality as a background/wallpaper? Thanks, and good luck! PD; The character, and the drawing aren't of my creation, I haven't asked the creator for permission neither, but I was just using it to have something to use within my daily dose of randomly improvising with pictures, if asked, I'll take it down.
  5. Thanks you, that's quite useful! I think it'll work for now, just got some problems colouring but, I'll get used to it. Thanks. Good luck!
  6. Okay, thanks you. Though I would need some sort of tutorial for doing so, anyways, appreciate the help. Alright, sorry; and thanks you aswell.
  7. Hello! Well, I've been a Paint.net user for few years, and I've never decided to use the forums as I never needed to; since most of my questions were already answered on other threads, anyways, I need help with something; I want to make/edit some sort of pictures to get them to look retro-ish with certain color scales, certain effects, and I want it to give the retro/80's/old vibe. Something like this, for example: http://images5.alphacoders.com/475/475189.jpg http://www.overkillsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/PAYDAY2_HotlineMiami.jpg With basic pictures, or to just recolour them, like, my avatar; and or simple pictures like; https://secure.defenders.org/ac/img/animals/Wolf/Wolf.jpg http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/340/f/4/wolf_in_the_winter_by_sky_x_wolf-d6wycmj.jpg I already know how to do a lot with Paint.net, but only this thing. Could anybody explain me how I could do it, with what plugins, and what actions would be required for me to take? Thanks a lot! -Rhaonoa
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