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Was the improved quantization code ever merged into Paint.NET? There's a GitHub repo for it from 3 years ago that was full of elegant fixes and improvements, but it's gone untouched.

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16 minutes ago, Partitian said:

so knowing there's a fix out there that's not currently in the color quantizer is annoying.

Don't be annoyed.

See  https://blog.getpaint.net/2021/04/05/paint-net-4-215-beta-build-7765/ and https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/118127-paintnet-4216-is-now-available/


Also the github README says: "This repository has the image quantization code from Paint.NET..."




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1 minute ago, Partitian said:

I thought it may have meant that the -buggy- code was extracted, fixed, and then left in a repo.

That's a bizarre thought. Why would that be done?


And it only took two minutes of searching and to dig up the links I gave, plus the explanatory text from README on the GitHub page.

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