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Making Avatar photo so it fits into "profile" size

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I've struggled getting photo/images the right size to fit into the space for an Avatar.  Some forums don't tell you how large or small an avatar should be.


I'll show you the pic I want to use, and I want it displayed as clearly as possible.  I'll also show you a clip of how it displays now on the forum I am making it for.  I hope someone can teach me how to do this so I will always know for any new photos I may want to use.


Thanks so much for any help, I'd so appreciate it.


How it looks on my other forum now: I'd l like the whole "N" to show as well as the whole head of the baby duck.

Here's the original pic:

for paint net.JPG

original pic baby duck.jpg

Edited by oregongrown
pictures backwards



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Hey oregongrown,

the easiest way is to start with square document or picture (256x256px, 512x512px and so on).
- Create new empty layer (referred as a Circle layer) and draw a circle with Shapes tool covering the whole area (hold Shift while drawing to lock aspect ratio).
- Set layer opacity to 50-100 so you can see everything below. Circle layer is just a guide, you can hide or delete afterwards.
- Add your picture if it is not already there and move in the Layers panel just above Background so it is set between Background and Circle layer)
- Create new layer above picture layer and add your text. Make sure there is an empty space (margin) left between elements you want to show and circle. Think about book page, there is always margin around.
- When you are done, delete or hide Circle layer and save your picture.

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Hey @oregongrown, what step (listed above) are you struggling with?
Circle and circle layer are not necessary, they are just a visual indication where your avatar will be cut if the platform (social media, forum) is using rounded profile picture style.

If you use picture from the first post, going to Image > Canvas size and changing height to match the width of the picture is enough.
Make sure "Maintain aspect ratio" is unchecked.


Edited by Lemonade
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Thanks so much for going the extra mile to help me but I think I picked the wrong photo to use because I had it just about perfect, and when it was on a post of mine, there is some sort of icon covering the ducks bill.  I don't know that it will always be there, maybe they use it only when you are a new Moderator.  No big deal, I won't stress over it.  I always seem to go with the impossible pictures, lol :)  Of course I think it's the absolute best one of all the pics I looked through .  Thank you again, and maybe when I'm not so busy with other stuff, I'll try again with your latest info, thanks again, Oregongrown:)

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Ok, I'm going to try this again as I guess I'm really being OCD about my avatar 😁  But I'm going to look over your directions again on both your replies to me, and see if I can figure things out.  Below is exactly how my Avatar appears on my forum, the one I belong to I mean, and I'll put the latest "original" I found to work with.  It's the best I could find of that pic.


Any further help would be much appreciated, but I'm going to go spend time on this today, following the instructions I've been given so far ;)  OG

PS That icon covers the baby duck's beak, I can't have that, LOL!!  What a basket-case I can be 🤪



original pic baby duck.jpg

duck avatar.JPG



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Ok, I got an idea, I'm going to crop just the duck, and on the right side expand the canvas and then type int the text "never give up".  That should make the duck part full pic and that icon my forum adds won't hide the text.  I'll show you when I'm done @Lemonade this is the start, and now I'll try and work with the text I want, add some color etc.



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