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Feature Request: Color Picking with Middle Mouse Button or Ctrl

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I caught myself thinking that I'm a little uncomfortable pressing 'K + LMB ' and '' every time to pick the color when I draw in pixel art.

I see two options how this could be done more conveniently:
1. Give the middle mouse button the functionality to match the color where the cursor is. Holding down is equivalent to holding down the pipette, with the difference that releasing the middle mouse button returns the previously selected tool. Yes, I know that the middle mouse button is already used to move around the canvas, but you can give a choice in the settings.

2. The painting tools (pencil, brush, fill, etc.) have the ability to match the color by pressing 'Ctrl + LMB'.


P.S. Ok, I forgot about the option in the settings, which, when choosing a color, changes the current tool to a pencil or the previous tool, but there seem to be no plugins for custom key bindings.

Edited by Demexis
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  • Solution

I don't want to bash your request, all valid points there.

But I can't recommend Autohotkey (https://autohotkey.com/) enough. Even though I don't understand 90% of what it does :)
You can change all keybinds and paint.net behavior (one shortcut export png, jpg, gif and so on, create custom templates, hide/show panels, maybe even add adjustments and filters, now that I think of it, I'll try that too).

For example, set mouse wheel left tilt for Color picker and mouse wheel right tilt for pencil or paintbrush.

; paint.net
#HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe paintdotnet.exe")
WheelLeft::  ; Change to Color picker
    Send "k"  ;
WheelRight::  ; Change to Pencil
    Send "p"  ;


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