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Posts posted by mmcl26554

  1. Hello @mmc & Welcome. Yes, it's slow going at first ... but practice a lot. This link may also be of some use http://www.soundandp...n_Paint.Net.pdf

    Good Luck :smile:

    I have been working the first project in this tutorial, the only problem is my version of PDN is slightly different from the one in the tutorial, but I am working through it. One question I do have. I moved the screens higher on the canvas and there appeared a checkerboard pattern where the once were. Can I remove this pattern, or will it go away on it's own sometime?


  2. I would recommend going here and familiarize yourself with paint.net itself:


    I have already reviewed what you suggest but still didn't find the answer to my basic question: For example, I can select and move an image (or parts of an image) about on the desk top, but cannot figure how to make it stick in the spot I have moved it to. Enter deselects is, so how do you execute the changes you have made? I feel real dumb on this, I have tried to find the answer but cannot . In MS paint, you select, move and click outside the selected image. That doesn't work for me in PDN.


  3. I can work Microsoft's "Paint" both the Vista and Win 7 versions. I wanted something with a bit more capabilities, I thought I was ready for the next step. I installed Paint dot net on my vista computer. BUT! I need to study a basic tutorial, and I mean BASIC. For example, I can select and move an image about on the desk top, but cannot figure how to make it stick in the spot I have moved it to. I have read online but the interactive tutorial does not address this one problem. So I am stuck. It seems the tutorials I have found assume I know more than I do. So if someone can point me to the document I need to begin learning about PDN I would be most appreciative.


  4. Hi and welcome :)

    You would be best asking this question here http://forums.getpai...sion-questions/ you have posted in the wrong place. You need to open your picture in paint.net in order to do something with it. Why do you just wish to move it around your desktop? more details please ;)

    I thought the best place to ask about finding a tutorial was in the section on tutorials, but I can ask in the suction you suggested.

  5. I can work Microsoft's "Paint" both the Vista and Win 7 versions. I wanted something with a bit more capabilities, I thought I was ready for the next step. I installed Paint dot net on my vista computer. BUT! I need to study a basic tutorial, and I mean BASIC. For example, I can select and move an image about on the desk top, but cannot figure how to make it stick in the spot I have moved it to. I have read online but the interactive tutorial does not address this one problem. So I am stuck. It seems the tutorials I have found assume I know more than I do. So if someone can point me to the document I need to begin I would be most appreciative.


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