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Posts posted by greyraven8

  1. Tried moving contrast all the way up and then tried the blackandwhite plugin.


    When saving image as a jpg I get 4 colors and not 2 (when I open image in XnView and count colors used).

    any ideas?


    Ideally I want an image that is just monchrome black and white only.  I'm using an image as a template and would like to be able to just use the fill tool to color spots in.  Need the white area to be completely white.

  2. completely new user. sorry if it's been covered. had a quick look and search and couldn't quite find what i was looking for - might not know the right words/terminology.

    trying put create text (or text saved as an image) in a distorted arch shape over top of an oval shaped image.

    want text start as larger contract towards the middle and expand to the end.

    all text flat on top and the curving would be along the bottom (to go over the oval shaped image).

    not sure i'm explaining it well.

    [might also eventually want to make something similar (shape upside down of this one) to go along bottom of oval image.]

    text would be in this bridge shape below:


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