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Posts posted by pipsgeorge

  1. I have a JPG which is a black and white line drawing I want to drop this on a collage where the line drawing shows, but the background must be transparent so other things come through. Essentially, I want to turn the color [ or lack thereof] white to be transparent, and black to be black.

    I haven't got the foggiest idea how to do this, or if it can be done.

    Any thoughts?

  2. Changing the opacity from the F4 box is exactly the effect I am looking for. Two questions arise from that:

    1) Where would I find information leading me to use F4? Is this an unpublished feature?

    2) As I fade the picture out, I am getting a checkerboard effect. please foegive my beeing fussy, but can that checkerboard be dimished, or is that just inherant in fading?

    Thank you all for your very kind assistance, I appreciate it!

  3. I have a picture that I want to use as a very muted background [ in a web site]. There will be text over it, so the picture needs to be toned down [ is that the right phrase?] so it is background material, not interferring with reading text, but still there.

    I've played and played, but I can't do it. Probably silly simple, but what you don't know can be a mountain to climb.

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