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Posts posted by JustRosy

  1. Hey, wow, thank you so much for the fast and informing response! I just installed Paint.NET and went looking for the plugins and so on. I did that after a friend recommended it when PhotoShop (BOO!!!) eternally quit working for me. Even the gurus at techguy can't seem to figure out how to help me... Anyway, I'll get the .dlls installed (I'm probably not going to bother learning to tweak them though, but it's cool that I could if I wanted to!) and I'll go looking for Simon Brown's work :)

    Again, thank you so much! Very cool!

  2. Separately, but related, is there an installation tool (or could one be created) that just does all this file-moving-around for neubs like me? The last time I messed around with program files, I wound up disassociating .exe from my file system. For real. I didn't even realize I was doing it, and had to call this geek-genius I know who got it fixed before my computer shut down. That's the only reason I still have a laptop! Anyway, yeah, people -can- break their machines without even intentionally trying to, and while it's not likely I would do that much damage from messing around, I'm just saying, it would be nice to be able to just click on a "PluginSetup.exe" file that first lets you save your work then auto-shuts-down Paint.NET (if it's currently running), then asks for the directory of the stored .zip files, then lets you pick and choose which ones to install, uninstall, or reinstall to Paint.NET, where the setup file would then choose the correct directory (or directories) for the files. At the end, it could ask if you want to start up Paint.NET and also gives the option to donate. I don't know how to write those kinds of things (trust me, you don't want me to try, lol!), but I'm just saying, it would be great to have something like that, to save all the trouble.

  3. I understand about moving .dll files to the Effects folder. But a number of .zip packs are including a lot of Visual Basic related files (.sln and so on). Where are those supposed to get moved to? Also, can the Effects folder still work if the files it needs are in sub-folders? My apologies if these questions have already been answered. This is a very long thread and I haven't yet found them.

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