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Posts posted by delvindi

  1. Thanks so much for the help and appreciate it :) I just didn't know what it was because it looked like a gradient but with something like noise over the top for exture, but I guess not. Thanks :D


    I had a go myself and also add a little shdow at the bottom, which i found didn't blend too well so i added a semi transparent black line just above it :D

    I hope this leeds to te correct place

  2. Hi I have been wondering about how to make website graphics similar to this (' http://www.fslive.eu/img/headbg.png ') I love the style and all that but haven't a clue how to make it. Also I have tried youtube and google and neither came up with any tutorials on it, i even tried searching on google website graphics site:http://forums.getpaint.net and that didn't work. But anyway, I would just love the help, and when I'm done with finding out how I'll edit this post with a link to were and the final product. Both website and graphic thingy.

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