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Posts posted by laraby

  1. thanks for your reply. I am really having trouble with paint.

    I finally got a couple of tabs by putting the shape on one layer and then creating each color gradient on a separate layer.

    But it takes many tries before I can make the gradient apply to the shape and not the canvas or just the outline of the shape. And I have no idea what I'm doing differently when it does work.

    The instructions in http://forums.getpai...__fromsearch__1 don't work.

    I am so amazed at the images so many forum members can create as the most simple things are so difficult to me.

    I appreciate your time in helping me make my simple tabs.

  2. Hi - I took a break and now I'm back to working on this.

    I couldn't work with the rotate/zoom tool, so I have:

    1. created an outline of a trapezoid shape in powerpoint. It's transparent because I want to add gradients in paint.

    2. created a new image in paint.net with canvas dimensions of my desired image size 130px x 40px high; the background is transparent.

    2. pasted the trapezoid outline from powerpoint into paint image on layer 2

    3. on layer three I used line/curve tool to put lines directly on top of the shape outline that's in layer 2.

    4. de-select layer 2

    5. tried to use the magic wand to select inside of shape only that's on layer 3, so I could copy and paste it into layer 4. Here's where I'm stuck.

    My plan is to work with layer 4 and apply various gradients in subsequent layers - five color gradients on 5 separate layers.

    Then select the layers I want and save each color shape as a separate image so I can use them as tabs for my website menu.

    Can someone give me very basic instructions on how to make that selection on layer 3 to copy and paste into layer 4.

    I have read

    and still cannot do it.

    I realize part of the problem may be my shape is transparent and so is my background. I'm embarrassed to say I cannot figure out the paint bucket/re-color tools either so not sure what to do next. And my success with gradient tool is inconsistent too.

    Is any up to walking me through this step by step?

    thanks in advance

  3. ok, I'm not getting a response to my last post so I'd like to simplify my request for help with creating shiny file folder tabs with white inserts.

    I think I can do everything except create an outline of an isosceles trapezoid that I can then fill in with different colors.

    Can someone please please help me with that?

    I would really appreciate it - and it might help someone else also.


  4. yes! that would be great - with more of a gradient, and a white tab inside.

    That tutorial linked above is hard for me to figure out what parts I need to use -

    maybe someone could walk me through this:

    I think I need these layers

    1. white rectangle for tab insert 100 pixels x 30 pixels - I can do this

    2. blue isosceles trapezoid to make the blue tab shape you did above - how do you do that? Does it have an outline around it?

    3. layer to make the gradient - or do I do that in layer 2?

    4. layer to make it shiny - is that glow or reflect blend? if yes, what do I do with this layer to blend it with next layer down?

    thanks in advance for all your help

  5. Hi - thanks for the quick reply!

    I'm sorry I wasn't clear - I'm just looking for the tab itself for my website navigation - not the whole folder.

    Currently I'm using a simple rectangle with rounded top corners - if I go with the second option I was hoping to make a tab with those curvy slanted sides. But I'd really love to go with the first option with the plastic tabs.

    See examples of both options here: http://jdorganizer.blogspot.com/2007/03/3-new-filing-products-from-smead.html

    (I can do the file folder label!)

    thank you again in advance! :smile:

  6. Hi, first let me say I have never used an image editing program to create anything - so I am the rankest of beginners.

    I'd like to create some background images for the tabs for my website menu that look like those plastic tabs that you use on hanging file folders - the ones that are colored plastic, and you insert the white paper tabs in.

    here's the goal: http://directlyyours.com/index.php?page=shop/flypage&product_id=4130

    I know I can create what I want in paint but I just don't know how to do it.

    I don't need any fancy effects - I'm thinking I need one layer that is a semi-transparent colored rectangle, another layer that creates a gradient to make it look "shiny plastic" and another layer with a smaller white rectangle on top of/under the others so it looks like the white tab is showing through the plastic.

    I have tried to use the paint tools and I am such a beginner I cannot get what I want.

    Could someone take a moment and give me real basic step by step instructions?

    A second option without the plastic/transparent effects is this:


    But I don't know how I could create that shape in paint.

    thank you so much in advance for your help!!

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