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Posts posted by ladymb

  1. Hi All,

    I am a newbie...well more of a lurker. I have used paint.net for small photo touch-ups of my daughters. But now I'm starting a small business and actually starting to use more tools.

    I had our logo done by a graphic designer and to save on money I am doing the layouts for ads, flyers, business cards etc. When I copy our logo into a new layer it is super big compared to my canvas size. I cant seem to figure out a way to scale it down in ratio. When I click on the corners it allows me to scale down, but not to ratio. When I select image-resize (Ctrl+R) and do a percentage it cuts off portions of the logo or select by absolute size it wants to change my canvas size.

    I'm sure this is a totally dumb question for you guys, but it's making me pull my hair out, LOL

    Thank you boltbait.smile.png

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