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Posts posted by Mihkel

  1. No offense taken, also sorry for my weak English.

    hide selection border: I assume you intend for this to be a button or something, because I very much appreciate my selection outlines. If so, I'm all for it boltbait.wink.png

    Yes, I mean keyboard shortcut wold be handy.

    Full screen editing: I'm not entirely sure what your reasoning was behind this. Would you mind re-explaining?

    Maybe I am to perfectionist, but I feel that seeing all menus, toolboxes and windows start menu bar affect my composition and coloring choices.

    Clicking and dragging: I don't see any way to logically solve this problem other than making it an annoying setting to set like that of the color picker. Do I want to automatically switch to the move tool after every selection? Not necessarily, but how would you the program decide when to go from one setting to the next? Photoshop solves this with an annoying button combination every time you wish to move something which new users have no means of discovering unless told it exists.

    Not after every selection, only then you click inside selection and drag, like in old mspaint.

  2. Hi my name is Mihkel Tael, I use paint.net for my everyday work, I draw mainly small sprites for games and user interfaces. After doing a lot research to find good free alternative to photoshop I can say paint.net is probably the best free multifunctional sprite editor out there, thanks!

    Here is my feature suggestion list:

    *All adjustments should have check box "preserve last settings", insted always preserving them. Preserving adjustments settings is usefull then one wants to apply same settings for many different files, but if working with different objects, its pain in the <Family-friendly forum.> to set them to default manually every time.

    *If closing program, tool settings should be saved, so if you open the program again, everything is exactly as you left it.

    *Hide selection boarders - its extremely important then using adjustments functions to fine tune color of details. Selection boarder starting to influence and mingle coloring options.

    *Changing layer order by dragging them with mouse - I think, its much more intuitive.

    *Clicking layer visibility checkbox should also select that layer - Right now selected layer and hovering mouse over layers have same color, so then clicking visibility checkboxes it seems like selecting that layer, but actually don´t.

    *Its probably to photoshop like, but active layer properties should be shown in the header of layer window.

    *Moving selected area by clicking and dragging it with selection tool - then i first started using paint.net it was really uncomfortable to switch selection and moving tool every time then I need to move something. Now its become a habit, but I feel its still fuzzing the workflow.

    *Full screen editing - then designing something its really important to see and edit your work without menubars, because they effect your composition options even then you are aware of that.

    *Customising shortcuts - or at least using different keys for all tools, its confusing to press "s" four times to select magic wand.

    *Option to make moving selection behave like new layer, so transparency don´t overlap other things on that layer. I think, it feels more intuitive, selection tools can be used more roughly, to select and compose different elements in same layer. But there are cases then selection moving behavior like now have advantages, so it should be option to select different modes.

    *Color picker should work thru all layers.

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