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A Grateful User

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Posts posted by A Grateful User

  1. Sure thing, macros are pretty nifty items, but when layered across programs tend to be unstable, sensitive, and require the full attention of the terminal. If someone has a macro program which they believe is really reliable I'd be happy to hear about it. It's been some time since I even bothered with them outside of MS Excel. Built in controls are just more reliable.

  2. First post... the thread is less than 2 months old(I read the rules!)... wish me luck!

    While automating individual controls may be outside the expected future of Paint.NET, has a single control to call one plug-in been considered?

    For example, if we could call Paint.NET with three things it would satiate many desires for this extended functionality.

    - Target image to open and start with

    - Plug-in / Effect to call

    - Name and location to save the finished file to

    Combining the function above with the ScriptLab effect (I am making the assumption that it would automatically use its last settings... dangerous on my part) or with a custom built effect gives people the power to repeat their specific tasks by building one tool. Individual users can then invest their time to meet their specific task.

    The real question for grateful users like myself is: What is the perspective for the future of Paint.NET in relation to features like this? Reasonable once time and interest allow, or totally out of the question for strategic reasons that a novice may not see?

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