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Posts posted by Lawbro

  1. I've been noticing this for the HSV sliders in the pallette window. Let's say I set the S to a value of 40. I click on a different color to edit that, and then come back to see it is 39. Is this any clearer? I can take screen shots to show you if I'm doing a bad job of describing it to you.

    This happens for all of the Sliders in HSV, but I don't know if it does for RGB.

    Also, my version is 3.5.8. if that is of any help. I think it'd be a good idea to see what version PDNnoob is using as well

  2. While I was messing with the HSV values in the pallette window I noticed that often some of the values would change from what I'd specified by increments of 1 or 2. I understand that this is a pretty small change but I still found it bothersome that something was keeping me from having complete control over what I wanted the color to be.

    Is this intentional? Is this some overlooked bug? Is this common in other digital art programs? Some unavoidable result of whatever is used to calculate the color values? Something I'm missing here?

    I would really appreciate if somebody were to shed some light on this.

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