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Posts posted by Agentx002

  1. Hello, I would like a version of paint.net that I can throw on my flash drive and it will run perfect on any windows xp+ computer that meets the hardware requirements. No need to install any software, the way PORTABLE apps SHOULD BE. Like this one: http://portableapps.com/node/26591

    Except, for reasons unknown to me it was removed from that site. Apparently Paint.net has it's own official portable version, but you need to install something to make it run. That isn't portable. I heard about it from this thread: http://forums.getpai...82entry347482

    Please give me a link to the version of Paint.net portable I can run on any windows xp/vista/7 computer that meets the hardware system requirements. Don't tell me it's impossible, its quite possible, but for reasons unknown it has been banned from the internet.

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