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Posts posted by mcarbaugh

  1. Not a bad idea Mark, but fraught with problems. The main one is the need to maintain the repository.

    Plugin authors are free to change, edit and delete plugins as they desire. Trying to keep track of all that and test each plugin with the current version of Paint.net is a large ask. I know, I maintain the Plugin Index.

    All actively updated plugins are assumed to work with the current version of Paint.net. If this isn't so users generally tell us pretty quickly. If I find out a plugin is not working (and the author isn't interested in updating, or has been 'lost' to the forum), then I flag the plugin as 'not supported' or 'will not work with version xxxx' in the Index. Not supported means that the plugin will no longer be updated and therefore if it breaks, tough luck.

    Don't worry about the date stamp. That is the date the thread was started. When updates are posted the datestamp is not changed (though there might be a 'last edited' date at the bottom of the first post).

    Edit: if you find a plugin that doesn't work with the latest release of PDN, post a reply in the thread related to that plugin. I'll follow it up if required.

    Oh yes, the problems, I used to be a change control manager at a large data center. That why I added the small part about discussions :)

    Is the most updated package always in the begining of the post? If not that would be realy nice if the authors could do that.


  2. Hi all,

    I am new here and an inexperianced user as well. I have read the plugin index and it is great!

    I have a question about what plugins are valid with the current version 3.5 I just downloaded to my Windows 7 x64 machine.

    I noticed as I was downloading packs that some date back to 2008. While they still may work with the current version a newbie like me does not know for sure. After reading the first 8 package posts I stopped as it would take me a day or two to get through them all to the very last page.

    Perhaps a one post labled something like "All plugins for version x.xx" Within that post could be a zip file with all the plugins managed by someone (don't kill me yet I am willling to help) The main zip file could contain each creators collection as a folder. This would allow the user to pick and choose what they would like to install.

    This is just my suggestion and if it were to be implemented I know there would need to be much more diccusion to take place.



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