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Sode no Shirayuki

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Posts posted by Sode no Shirayuki

  1. Cool, thanks. I will definitely give your suggestions a try, however, I probably won't get the chance to for another week or so. I have to take the laptop apart and replace the backlight. There's an anime convention next week which I need to prepare for as well. I'll reply after I've had the chance to try your suggestions.

  2. The first link helped me understand the magic wand tool more[ I had no idea I could adjust the sensitivity of the tool. By adjusting the sensitivity of the magic wand tool, I was able to successfully use the tool to delete pixels more selectively. I did so and then turned the image into a Winamp skin. At this point, I noticed the image has white jagged edges following the perimeter of the image. The following image is a representation of this: http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=1885069kimidoriemiriwinamp.jpg

    In order to remedy the white jagged edges, I referred to the second link you posted. I downloaded the feather plugin, however, it didn't give the results I had hoped for. It did make the white jagged edges slightly less noticeable but not as much as I had hoped for and at a cost of making the rest of the image blurry.

  3. Hi,

    I just learned how to edit existing Winamp skins and change their buttons/backgrounds. I want to create a Winamp skin of Kimidori Emiri using the following image. http://www.bild.me/b...midoriemiri.jpg

    How can I trace Kimidori Emiri, in the aforementioned image, and cut her out so that she looks like Hatsune Miku (smooth and not jagged) in the following image? http://www.bild.me/b...hatsunemiku.jpg

    Things I have tried:

    - I tried two different outline plugins but was unable to get them to work.

    - I tried tracing Kimidori Emiri using the line tool but I'm not sure how to delete the rest of the image and it's really difficult to get a smooth cut anyway.

    - I tried selecting pixels using the magic wand tool and it was great except the tool ended up selecting pixels that are apart of Kimidori Emiri too.

  4. Hi,

    I used the outline tool to try to do what you did, however, when finished, I was unable to do anything further. It's really difficult to get a smooth cut anyway.

    I tried two different outline plugins. After adding them to the "Effects" folder in Paint.net's programs folder, I'm unable to get them to work.

    Additionally, I tried the magic wand tool, however, when using it, it ended up selecting pixels inside of Kimidori Emiri so I can't use it.

  5. Thanks.

    I have another question.

    I just figured out how to edit existing Winamp skins and change their buttons/backgrounds. For the sake of practice, I want to make a Winamp skin of Kimidori Emiri from the following image. http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=9466631Kimidori_Emiri.jpg

    How can I trace Kimidori Emiri and cut her out so she looks like Miku in the following image? http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=5467811mikubackground.jpg

    The only selection tools I see are rectangle, lasso and ellipse and they don't work for this.

  6. How do I change a wallpaper's resolution using Paint.net?

    I searched online and found instructions using Photoshop (http://www.ehow.com/how_5137074_change-wallpaper-resolution.html). I tried applied those instructions to Paint.net to see if it would work but I can't find a "Transform" button.

    Edit: I figured out how to resize an image in Paint.net. However, I can't enter the size I want. When I type in 1280 in Width, the Height is automatically change to 960 and when I type 1024 in Height, the Width is automatically changed to 1365.

    Edit 2: Nevermind - I figured it out. I had to deselect "Maintain aspect ratio".

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