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Posts posted by DOOGS

  1. Same problem here... I posted yesterday. Same error and same event.

    Are you updating from a previous version? If so in my case the older version 354 did not uninstall completely when trying to install 358. You can still run the uninstall for 354 from ADD/Remove programs and then install the new 358 version.

  2. Here is the whole story...

    I am trying to push this out via Group Policy (which I have done in the past with no problems). Using the MSI package creator command line provided Here. Just using the /createmsi switch only. Using the 32bit installer that is created.

    If I manually remove 354, and then run the MSI for 358 the installation works fine.

    If I manually start the MSI for 358 without uninstalling 354 first, it starts the uninstall of 354 but stops with error message

    "There is a problem with the windows installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor."

    After accepting the error message 354 is only partially removed. Program functionality is broken (354 no longer works) and 358 install never completes. 354 also leaves an entry in the add/remove programs list. You can finish the uninstall of 354 by going through add/remove programs. Once 354 is completely removed 358 can install.

    Installing on Windows XP Pro SP3 x86. Have .net versions 1,2,3, and 3.5 installed.

    Thanks for the help,


  3. Trying to update from 354 to 358 but installation fails. Uninstalling 354 first still leaves the 354 folder in program files then when trying to install 358 it bombs out. If I remove the paint.net folder in program files and then install 358 it works.

    I would have no problem removing this folder but I would have to do it multiple times on many machines.

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