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Posts posted by neobahamut20

  1. I just found out about paint.Net today.

    I find it far better than GIMP or Photoshop for my needs (i'm no professional)

    However I was wondering if I had just missed something with the text tool, and if not, then perhaps the dev. team could consider developing for that should they judge it to be worth the gain:

    Here is what I was expecting from such a tool (that did not happen)

    1. Create a new layer for that text - Which is automatically named after the first few words that are "saved"

    2. Possibility to select the text (or go back in the line by clicking to insert more text)

    3. Possibility to go back and change font/color of previously written text (even in a self created layer, it was not possible)


    User makes a spelling mistake and realizes it just after having formatted the text

    User wishes to make a correction

    User must delete his work and redo it to correct the text. (And if it was not in a layer, he may cry over it)

    Now, is it possible to create a plugin that modifies how the Text tool behaves or are plugins mainly reserved for effects?

    If not, please consider gauging the usefulness of such a feature with other users to hopefully include it in a future release.

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