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Posts posted by Rusecorbelia

  1. Addendum to my earlier comment, the alpha-displacement effect is actually in the effects root menu, not under distortions and is still different to your screen shots but is at least close enough for me to figure it out.

    I used pyrochild's amazing gradient mapping plugin instead of solarize and black and white.

  2. I have tried to do this tutorial but the displacement plugin doesn't look or behave at all like you say it does so I have hit a wall (pardon the pun). I also have a couple other comments.

    1.The other two adjustments do not in fact come built in to Paint.Net v3.5.10 because I had to go looking for them.

    2. Also you have no screen shots of the work in progress so we have no idea what each step is supposed to look like.

    I know it has been a while since you last updated this but I would really appreciate a response.

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