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Posts posted by IAMRCx

  1. I am not certain of how to shut off GPU rendering...don't know what that is...but every since I installed the 4.0, I have had all kinds of problems. I use a Windows 64bit upgraded 8.1. It is a new computer...I am sure this does not help...but I wanted you to know this 4.0 definitely is unstable or is somehow not installing as well as hoped. I will try to figure out what GPU rendering means and try to shut it off...if I cannot figure it out, I will go back to the 3.5 as it worked excellently. I wish I were technical enough to help, Rick. Thanks for the work you ll do.

    I did locate the settings, unchecked the GPU box, and restarted pdn.....but still had the same problem. I also went into dianostics and tried to copy to clipboard, but discovered that it (clipboard) does not exist in the new Windows, no way to copy and paste....going back to 3.5.

  2. I am not certain of how to shut off GPU rendering...don't know what that is...but every since I installed the 4.0, I have had all kinds of problems. I use a Windows 64bit upgraded 8.1. It is a new computer...I am sure this does not help...but I wanted you to know this 4.0 definitely is unstable or is somehow not installing as well as hoped. I will try to figure out what GPU rendering means and try to shut it off...if I cannot figure it out, I will go back to the 3.5 as it worked excellently. I wish I were technical enough to help, Rick. Thanks for the work you ll do.

  3. I have the newest version of paint.net....windows 7, 64bit....this is what I am getting in the loading errors window of pdn :

    1 of 6


    File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\ColorMixer.dll

    Effect Name: ColorMixer.EffectPlugin

    Full error message:

    A mandatory update is available.

    2 of 6


    File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\ColorToAlpha.dll

    Effect Name: ColorToAlpha.EffectPlugin

    Full error message:

    A mandatory update is available.

    3 of 6


    File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Curves+.dll

    Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.curvesplus.CurvesPlus

    Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET.

    4 of 6


    File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Gradient Mapping.dll

    Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.gradientmapping.GradientMapping

    Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET.

    5 of 6


    File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\ShadowHighlight.dll

    Effect Name: ShadowHighlight.EffectPlugin

    Full error message:

    A mandatory update is available.

    6 of 6


    File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Smudge.dll

    Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.smudge.Smudge

    Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET.

    Okay...I have pretty much looked everywhere before I posted this...so what next?

  4. http://www.dreamies.de/mygalerie.php?g=uwhcyran

    Two of these are chops. One of me and one of a friend, that I made as a Friday comment. The rest are 100% paint.net images. Most of the work that I do are animated, so I did not include them, as I used animation software after I created them.

    I started drawing in May of last year. I know that my work doesn't compare to the real artists here, but I am learning.

    I believe that I have followed the guideline rules...I certainly have tried to.

    Thanks to those who work so hard to make this software and site availiable to all!

  5. I am still learning all of the features that this magnificent software has...I was wondering if an extrusion tool is somewhere in the future. BTW...thanks for all of the work you guys have put into this software. Whether or not one is in the works or not, you people are fantastic!

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