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Posts posted by ryniek

  1. Welcome to the forums!

    Firstly, if you have done the blurring/covering on a separate layer & saved it as a .PDN, you can delete the offending layers.

    If you have flattened it & saved it as anything else but a .PDN then I really don't think there is much you can do about it to get it back to the original.

    Posting an example image would have been good.

    Lesson here is:

    ALWAYS use the "Save As" function to preserve the original.

    ALWAYS do as much as possible on separate layers so you can change/alter things without affecting the rest of the image.

    ALWAYS save as a .PDN file. Saving as a .PNG (lossless quality & supports transparency) is my preferred choice.

    I hope this helps you.

    Thanks for reply.

    I was thinking about this kind of pics:

    <snip - not on this forum>


    Is it possible to uncover, i.e. face of this guy in red socks? I mean, i download now this pic and want to delete this censure to view more. Using only graphic editor like Paint.Net or Gimp, without need to use professional software?

    Or one-time hidden face on pic can't be unhidden again? As i said earlier i don't have graphics experience and i don't know a thing about...

  2. I don't have experience with graphics so this is hard thing for me. I want to know how to undo the operation of blurring some objects (faces .etc) or whole picture made by brushing those objects that should be covered. I mean, i want to hide someones' face or other shapes, and i use for example "Ellipse" tool and create ellipse filled with black color. I use this ellipse to cover prefered shape on picture. After that i save the picture, then close it. When open again i can't undo this operation with "undo" button. And that's my question - which tool can undo such cover/blurring operations on images that are made long ago or aren't work of mine?


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