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Posts posted by D3m190d

  1. For plugins packed in a zip, the zipfile may be opened as a first step towards installing.

    The Lightning plugin download is a DLL file. It shouldn't be opened.

    Allow the file to download, then copy/paste it into the Effects folder.

    Meh... Indeed, it works... [Facepalm]

    I do recall there was a moment where I downloaded a DLL instead of a zip, and thus did a different thing, allowing the Plugin to be installed. It must have been on the previous computer, since it worked there. I must have overlooked it this time; apparently te symbols of different file types aren't as distinctive, and it was less obvious that this was a DLL rather than the other. This resulted in me trying to fit a square into a circle shaped hole, while not seeing that I am, in fact, holding a square, and not a circle-shaped object. *Gasp* a flaw in the design of Windows 7 (well, not so much a flaw as me being stupid).

    Thank you very much, for clearing this out.

  2. I'm having a problem with Cookies' Lightning Plugin.

    I just clicked to 'Open' the file, as I always do. After that, this appears:


    Yeah, sure. I'm not computer-y enough to make sense of this. It's even more confusing that I didn't do anything that I wouldn't normally do when installing Plugins. I have downloaded some before, and they work perfect; I don't know why this one is giving me problems. I'm especially disappointed and more confused, since it worked fine on the previous computer I downloaded it on, where it worked totally fine. That was a Windows XP, and I'm sure my new Windsows 7 should be able to do it, too... This plugins is too awesome for me to not do anything about it, help please?

    *Yes, this is my first post. I hope I didn't screw up (too much) already. /=|

    Luckily I'm not too new to Paint.NET, I'm having a great time with it!

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