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Posts posted by tackyjan

  1. I think you may be looking for the controls that are now at the bottom right, I remember it taking  while to get that into muscle memory haha


    Omg you are right! There it is staring me right in the face! Thank you. :)


    I guess that's the only disadvantage of a significant interface design change. You have to get used to new button/control positions. Oh well, it's certainly worth it with this new version of Paint.NET. Like I said, I love the new look!



  2. Hello All,


    I just installed the latest version of Paint.NET and I noticed something was missing that was there in earlier versions.


    There are no longer zoom controls (zoom in, zoom out, drop down zoom menu) on the main toolbar. The only way I can now find to zoom is use the View menu or shortcuts. In my opinion it's inconvenient to have to use a menu to get to zoom. It's much easier and more intuitive to have the controls right on the toolbar. Also, I don't like using shortcuts to do things. I prefer to use the mouse.


    I tried looking at the settings as well as right clicking around the toolbar but I didn't find any way to customize (add/remove buttons) the toolbar.


    I am not sure if this was and intentional design decision or a mistake. I hope it wasn't intentional and that the reason why it was done is because someone decided that using shortcuts is a better way to zoom. (If this is the case I disagree because there are many people out there like myself that don't like to use shortcuts for various reasons.)


    Can anyone tell me if there is there is a way to put the zoom controls back on the toolbar? If so, do you mind explaining?


    Thank you,


    Jan  :D


    P.S. On a happier note... I really LOVE the new version! It looks better and I like the new options, button placement, etc. Keep up the good work!

  3. Quite frequently I will come into the need to add a border around a non-square type shape. If it's square, it's easy to do: crop the image at it's boundaries, set the proper background color, and expand the canvas such that the newer area gets filled in with the color giving a nice symmetric boundary.


    When I am trying to add boundaries to more complex shapes, however, such as circles, triangles, etc. I am at a complete loss. If I do it the same as with the box (crop the image to it's minimal size then expand the canvas) the resulting border only covers the perimeter as follows:


    (A very crude example.)




    As you can see I was able to shrink the square (border) boundary then increase the canvas size but this is clearly not what I want.


    What I am hoping for is so somehow use like the Magic wand to draw a boundary around the circle, invert the selection, then "grow" the selection outwards (or inwards if the case may require) then fill in the added space with a color. The effect of growing the selection would be to maintain the spherical selection and all it to grow by N pixels from the center-line, or in the case of more complex shapes, grown by N pixels from the nearest boundary tangent.


    Is there a way in Paint.NET to make a selection around an arbitrary object, invert the selection, then grown or shrink it, and finally fill the grown selection with a color using the Paint brush?


    Thank you,



  4. Hello All!


    I had the following image and I wanted to remove the background image (color black):




    I need to remove all the black background image so I thought that using the Magic Wand tool would suffice. I selected Magic Wand and set the Tolerance to 15% and began selecting/deleting the black background with several clicks.


    This is a partial image of what i ended up with:



    As you can see pretty much all the black background was removed except sporadic pieces along the perimeter. I tried using the Magic Wand tool again except this time  I set the Tolerance to ~45%. This was too much as the selections made by the magic wand "ate" into the boundary of the inner image. So clearly there is a fine-line between patience, tolerance, and results when using the Magic Wand.


    The problem I have is this happens to me all the time. Especially with images on a background whose boundaries aren't clearly defined with some arbitrarily different border color to allow for the Magic Brush's logic to easily find the "edge."


    More generally, this issue happens whenever the original image was made such that the boundary (the red oval) blends in to the background resulting in pixels on the boundary that "merge" or "morph" from the inner color to the outer color thereby eliminating any clear color boundary between the two that Magic Would would then be able to detect and know where the true edge is.


    The next thing I tried was to use the Color Replace tool. I figured if I selected the leftover black color to be replaced by transparent then I could use the color re-placer tool pull off the rest of the red. The problem I have with Color Replacer is I just cannot ever seem to figure out how it works. :O The documentation doesn't seem to be thorough on how to use the Color Replacer either that or I am just dumb to the way it works.


    Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions, either a way to do this better in Paint.NET, using an Add-on, or even using another Image Editing program that might be able to recognize these boundaries better?


    Thank you.




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