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Posts posted by Countrygirl

  1. Hello,

    I'm not very well versed in computer or photography technology. I am just looking for a simple (free) photo editing software. From the different reviews I've read, this sounds ideal for what I'm looking for. I don't know anything about "layers" or different terms used in describing fixing pictures. I have my first digital camera (Canon Powershot SX20 IS). My laptop has "Intel Duo Core 2" and Windows Vista. I just like taking pictures, downloading them to the computer and sharing with family. Just looking for something with simple features like fixing red-eye or blurs, color/contrast, etc that is easy for a "non-expert" to figure out. Question: Is this a software that I can download to my computer and use offline, or do I have to be connected to the internet at all times during use? If it is a "must be connected" situation, than would I be uploading pictures to the website, or am I running everything off my computer and able to save on my hardrive/or only have access if I sign on to the internet? Will I ever have to pay for using any features, or is everything free? Sorry if these have already been asked in the forum, but I couldn't find exactly the same question in the searches I did. If anyone has any other suggestions, I would welcome it! Thank you so much for any help anyone can provide.



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