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Posts posted by tamera56

  1. I am trying to place a Logo on a marketing piece - need to make background transparent so it will not cover up picture/ other text, etc. How can I make just the background transparent and let the text be visible. I am fairly new to Paint.net. Please make your responses as basic as possible as I may not understand some of the more advanced "lingo"


    I am not sure if this is the reply place or not.. I hit reply and it took me here. I did attach a photo before, but it did not come through.. Not sure why. I will try again. The answer looks like hyou are NOT using paint.net, is that correct? DO I download, etc? Please make as basic as possible..


    I am not sure if this is the reply place or not.. I hit reply and it took me here. I did attach a photo before, but it did not come through.. Not sure why. I will try again. The answer looks like hyou are NOT using paint.net, is that correct? DO I download, etc? Please make as basic as possible..


    Replied 2 places and I think the attachmetn is on the original now..

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