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Posts posted by AKG

  1. Involving JPGs in the process can only do harm.

    Probably best to keep it all in Paint.NET and leave

    MS Word and various filetypes out of the process.

    Use pixels as your measurement type, not cm. or inches.

    Might be good to find larger balloon (etc.)

    images to fit better with the background image size.

    Or resize the background down.

    Maybe try cutting out the balloons using Lasso select, copy/paste into

    a new layer above the background, deselect, use Feather Object plugin.

    Awesome, I will see if I can wrap my brain around your advice & this info to get my paint.net work for my projects, obviously I can use all the help I can get. Do you have any conversion information so I can get my final image the correct size using the pixel measurements vs cm or inches?

    I know what I want them to look like and what size they need to be, just not how to get paint.net to equate the same finished product.

    I will try playing with the options you have graciously given me and see what I can come up with.

    Thank you, again, for your kind assistance and wisdom.


  2. Yes, that worked.

    What are your specific steps when you copy/paste the cut-out objects

    from the one file into the file with the background image?

    For example, do you Magic Wand outside the object, invert selection, copy, etc.?

    Just detail the steps that you are using from start to finish

    in taking an object and bringing it into the other file.

    Well, for the most part, I have been using the magic wand, playing with the tolerances and when I have an area selected I cut it. If I manage to get the object I desire this way, I cut & past it into a new image, enlarge it and erase any residuals. I usually have to do this until I get most of the background out, cut my desired image and paste into a new image layer and enlarge and erase residuals. I save as both a PNG or PDN and GIF to preserve transparency.

    I have problems with sizing a new image layer over a different image layer. ie: cut out balloon over a scenic forest shot. The forest shot will be so big and when I import the balloon into a 2nd layer it is microscopic and changes the canvas & all kinds of weird bloody potato I don't understand how to fix. Consequently, I have been using MS Word and the GIF's & JPG's to layer images, but I seem to have the white outline issue either way.

  3. Could you post an example image?

    I tried to place a small screen shot into a word doc. , too big to attach. I tried to save as jpg, gif, too big to attach pdn not recognized as a file?? I know this is operator error, but this operator is at a loss on how to get a sample posted, sorry.

    it shows best in our print preview.

    Thank you for your assistance.


  4. Hello, Newbie here,

    I am attempting to make some combined images to make jewelry for my family but when I cut out an image from one picture and paste into a new layer above a different background, my cut image has white surrounding it, even after I have gone into 1600 zoom and removed all traces of white. I think the cut image is clean then I tell the program to print preview and wow, serious white outline, can anyone help me get rid of it? It sure makes my final print really juvenile and cheezy. Using Paint.net v3.5.8. to cut out images. Using ms Word to resize, layer and group images although I seem to have the same issue using paint.net too.

    Thank you for your help.


  5. Hello Frontcannon,

    Newbie here hoping you can help. I spent a lot of time making the white background of an image transparent, saved it in pdn, and opened another image on a new layer to do the same. Somehow while working on the 2nd image, the first moved up and right; only a small portion is now visible in the upper right portion of the window/canvas. I didn't notice it until I went to complete the work today. Is there anyway to retrieve the full image now, since I apparently saved it in that position, or did I blow it and have to invest all the time to do it again? Your help is very much appreciated!

    AKG :/

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