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Tammy Snyder

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Posts posted by Tammy Snyder

  1. Good luck! Please report back if you have problems.

    It worked. No problems with this first attempt. Took a lifetime to erase around the family on 200%zoom but got her done.

    I do have a question...

    What if I want to try many backdrops per photo to give the family options so they can choose the one they want? I don't want to have to do the tedious erasing on each cut out. Can I do it once and save that? Will that save?

    Is there a certain technique for doing that?

    Thank you,

  2. First you need to cut out the family. Here's a useful how-to: Cutting out images the easy way.

    Now when you have your family on their own layer and separate from the background. You can import another image to use as the backdrop using the Layers >> Import from file :ImportFromFile: .

    Note that this may cause a size conflict if the imported file is larger or smaller than the canvas you're working on (you may wish to resize the background image before actually importing it).

    You could also cut and paste the new background into a new layer. Use :AddNewLayer: to create a new layer, open your background image and copy it with CTRL+A and CTRL+C, swap back to your original image (make sure that the new layer is selected) and press CTRL+V.

    Once you have the background image in place, check that the 'family' layer is higher than the background layer. Click on one layer and use the :MoveLayerUp: or :MoveLayerDown: icons to adjust the positioning.

    Thank you. I will try this as soon as I get a backdrop downloaded.

  3. From what I have seen, this kind of result can be acheived by using Topaz Vivacity, a Photoshop plugin that meticulously and intelligently sharpens and increases the contrast/saturation of your photos. There is no simple equivalent when using Paint.NET, but I would suggest using a combination of Local Contrast Enhancement, Sharpen+, the Hue/Saturation adjustment and Curves to achieve something similar.

    Thank you, Crimson.

    I will have a go at it. Wish Paint.net had a tool for that as well. Perhaps soon. (hint, hint)

    Appreciate your advice!


  4. All I can see is faint lomography, as Sarkut pointed out.

    There may be color enhancements that involve fine tuning the levels, which PDN is capable of.

    Otherwise, someone more familiar with Photoshop may be able to identify some effects without seeing the originals. Based on the level of professionalism on that site, I'm confident that Photoshop is being used to edit those images.

    Thank you Zyst. Appreciate your thoughts.

  5. BWdog.jpg[/img]

    Can you post one of the problem pictures?

    This is it after turning to B&W. Of course it'd probably be wiser to fix while colored.??

    What do you think? Any hope?

    There's also a few stray hairs crossing over the eyes I want to remove.

  6. I have used the vignetting plugin but get a definite ring at the junction of the main subject and the beginnings of the shadowing.

    So, I tried the gradient and am not seeing the color. Googling this I see instructions for photoshop, etc. but not paint.net.

    Is there a specific how-to for us here?

    Are there any actual step by step tutorials for gradient and vignetting?

  7. I have used the vignetting plugin but get a definite ring at the junction of the main subject and the beginnings of the shadowing.

    So, I tried the gradient and am not seeing the color. Googling this I see instructions for photoshop, etc. but not paint.net.

    Is there a specific how-to for us here?

  8. It all depends on what specifically you want to accomplish.

    If you have the image looking the way you want it, and want to

    save it as a standard image file - PNG, JPEG, etc. then flatten it.

    Using the flatten function should make no change to what appears on the canvas.

    I try to soften the portrait in the top layer then change the opacity. That's when I get the checkerboard and it stays no matter how I flatten or merge.

    I try to soften the portrait in the top layer then change the opacity. That's when I get the checkerboard and it stays no matter how I flatten or merge.

    What is the difference between merge (self explanatory) and flatten?

  9. I see many how to's of how to do things in Layers but not how to merge them. When I flatten I end up with the checkerboard look.

    I need specifics...

    Do you click on all layers and merge down


    Do you click on all layers and flatten?

    Just how do you put them all together?

    Thank you.

  10. Well, nothing quite so awesome, but if the wires are in the sky, you can get rid of them automatically by selecting them and running Effects > Noise > Median.

    If they are in trees, etc. simply use the clone stamp brush.

    Thanks. That'll work. Maybe someone could make a similar plug in as the NO WIRES...hint,hint.

    Until then, I'll take your advice.

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