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Posts posted by ballitin

  1. Frontcannon

    Thank you for doing what you have done ,sorry but it looks like I was expecting to much.You have done a lot better than my efforts , thanks for that.

    Camera I have is a Fine-pix HS10 I have only just got it and still learning .it would be great if they could put things in laymen s terns so I could understand what does what , I'm sure could have got better photos if I had had it in the right option .

    thanks for trying

    all the best


  2. So, it was one of your life goals to take bad pictures of a badger? How odd.

    You should make the pictures available to us though, if you want us to work on them. Just saying.

    Yes good one that ,it'll come to you when you get older :D

    How do I get the pictures to you ??

    see I'm not very good with computers as well as cameras


  3. Hi all

    I got lucky at the week end and managed to get some not very good photos :( of some badgers ,something I've always wanted to do ,What I would like is for some kind person out there (there must be one) :/ who is good with Paint.net to have a look and see if they can get the best out of my photos .Please , I've tried but to be honest I've not been using it long and still have not got used to using it .

    I would be for ever grateful if some one can rescue at least one of the photos as I don't think will ever get the chance again .

    thanks for reading and hope some one can help


  4. Hi Guys and Gals

    Been away, just catching up , things are looking good ,BoltBait you want a medal you have save me so much time ....I can't thank you enough .

    Ego Eram Reputo have downloaded your plugin ,but not sure where it is now I've unzip it ,I did mentiom earlier that I'm abit of a retard when it comes to stuff like this ,please help if you can.


  5. I have looked and can't find anywhere that shows a idiots guide of how to start enhacing Photos

    eg what I mean is there a set process people go through to get the best out of their photos .

    I read a small chapter about how one person only used "sharpen " after he had done every thing else to his photos.

    As you have probley guessed I am new to this and just want to pinch abit of your experience

    and then proberly move on to the more adventuress things , some of the pictures /photos that some of you have done are amazing , but I want to begin at the begining if you know what I mean .Some of the things you guys take for granted are some times not as easy for beginners as you think .

    Sorry if there is a post about this but I have looked :oops: and it sounds like the boss might chew my head off for stupid repeated topic :?

    thanks for looking


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