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Posts posted by Kinetic

  1. A while back, I discovered how to make a relatively easy burnt parchment effect. Since then, I had hardly any time, but have finally managed to find some to make this tuutorial.

    1.Open a new document (366 by 570)


    2. With colour 884A00 (Click on the more button in the colours window, then paste those numbers I just said into the 'Hex' field) , draw a 289 by 471 rectangle centered in the document, then select it with the rectangle select.


    3. With colour 884A00 as primary and colour BE6D28 as secondary, Effects>Render>Clouds.


    4. Set to 207 scale, 0.53 roughness.


    5. Draw two selections with the lasso tool, one on the top left corner, one in the middle. Imagine this as the edge of the burnt paper.


    6. Delete them. They will now look like this:


    7. On a new layer, draw several radial gradients with colour 351C00 as primary and a completely transparent colour as secondary (on the colour window, click the 'more' button, and lower the 'Tranparency- Alpha' slider to 0 to obtain a transparent colour)


    8. Effects>Noise>Median (radius 14, percentile 42). This will make the centres of the radial gradients less obvious, and blend them together.


    9. Swap back to the background layer, and use the magic wand to selct the outside of the paper,then hold CTRL select and the inside of the hole. This will select both at once, and any edits you make to one without deselecting will happen to the other.


    10. Delete this selection on the gradient or 'burn' layer.


    11. Using the lasso tool, select the edges of the corner and the edges of the hole on the background (paper) layer.


    12.Effect>Blurs>Gaussian Blur (1 pixel). Switch to the burn layer and repeat(This will act as antialiasing)




    13. Add a 3rd layer, and copy and paste a crumpled paper texture onto it. I found mine here: http://webdizeo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/crumpled-paper-1.jpg. Resize if neccesary, and desaturate (Adjustment>Black and White) it if it contains any colour.



    14. Set the layer blending mode to overlay (in the layers window, click on layer properties)


    15. Using the lasso tool, select the grey (showing) areas of the crumpled paper texture layer and delete them.


    16. The finished result!


    17. This is an earlier version I made, using better colours and a texture that seems to have dissapeared off the web. (Unfortunately, when I resized this to fit as an attachment, I deleted the original :roll: and so a lot of the quality was lost. you can still see it if you like:


    As with any tutorials, feel free to experiment with the sliders when it comes to Effects, use different colours, different textures, etc. Post your results if you like.

    NB: Sorry if this tutorial seemed noobish or stupid, and I apologise for any mistakes I have made in making this tutorial. I also apologise if the layout of the tut is confusing. Any criticism or comments, and I will do all in my power to improve on this. :D however, please note I have time mostly at weekends, so updates may be slow.

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