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Posts posted by Typhoon87

  1. Rick,


    Thank you for that information. I was able to get an uninstall batch file running and seems to work fine.


    However now I am seeing when the installer for 4.0.6 starts to run it stops immediately. Event logs show a start and stop in the same second. I created the MSI and the command line I am using is quite simply "PaintDotNet4_0_6_x64.msi /auto" is there something else that I am missing?

  2. Hello I am looking for some assistance on silent upgrades using SCCM. I am attempting to package V4.0.6 and some of the machines this will go on already have a very dated 3.5.11 install on them. It appears the silent installer does not handle an upgrade from builds this old.


    What is the best way to have this happen? Is there a list of GUIDS for each build so I can write a script that runs before the 4.X installer?

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