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Posts posted by vagitoe

  1. Well, I finally got my computer working again! (Let's see how long that lasts) so I decided to make a picture of an elf woman. I don't like how it turned out (the hair looks too heavy, but I can't fix it.) but I thought it was realistic enough to put here.


    click to enlarge

    I also made this a while back but never actually posted it. It is supposed to be a really big tree (reaching into the clouds big), but instead it turned into a piece of grainy broccoli. :oops:


    click to enlarge

    Tell me what you guys think! :)

  2. @MyChemicalSnowman

    WOW! I thought that was an actual picture for a second. Great job! :D

    I'm still pretty new at paint.net, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I decided to start playing with the layers, and I came up with this. It looks a little cartoony, so I'll keep playing with it.


  3. the skin around the eye is awesomely made, looks very realistic. Was it 100% Paint.NET?

    Well, I did use a skin sample to look at while I made a basic texture, but it was made in paint.net. I'm glad you like it so much! :D Out of all of it, I spent the most time on the skin - making little adjustments here and there - it feels good knowing that the work made a difference.

    I wish I had spent more time on the eye itself, but I don't think I have enough expirience know how to do it yet :| . I might check out the tutorial section to see if someone else has already done it, that sure would help out.

  4. Hey all, I just downloaded Paint.net, and I am loving it so far.

    To be honest, I took a few classes in high school over Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, but I didn't feel like spending actual money, so I got this free stuff instead. I am very impressed - although it's harder to work with, it makes up for it with it's simplicity.

    Anywho, here are some things I made - tell me what you think.




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