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  1. (looks at his intodction thread) oooops... EDIT: Thnx Sharp! That plug-in information helped me out greatly. Question Resolved. If any certain moderators feel like locking this topic...*whistles innocently*
  2. (looks at his intodction thread) oooops... EDIT: Thnx Sharp! That plug-in information helped me out greatly. Question Resolved. If any certain moderators feel like locking this topic...*whistles innocently*
  3. I cursed? Where? Are you talking about the title? I censored that though...oh ok. Removed.
  4. I cursed? Where? Are you talking about the title? I censored that though...oh ok. Removed.
  5. Question resolved by my account. But maybe it can help you. It even warns you about a cursing rule that you must follow. So enjoy! This is what I have so far. Unfortunately, my hands are too unsteady with the lasso select to place the wings I wanted on the ends. If anyone can help me make my tag look so evil that ppl will look at it and say "HOLY bloody potato!!", I'd be most appreciative. What I wanted to do first with it was place the wings from the middle/2nd colum on the ends of my tag (the second set of big ones, we're not counting the black wings). Problem is, I don't want any of that empty white space to go with it. Meaning I'd have to place the tag in an erased board template, open up the wings, use the lasso select, paste them onto the board, and paste them onto the left and right ends after re-sizing them to about 3/4 of that size. THEN I would have to find a way to copy the whole tag and paste it onto a new board with normal dimensions, (after erasing it once again, so there is no whit space when I place it) I can't use the Lasso Select, Caffeine makes my hands a LITTLE bit shaky, and I have no luck with it. Can anyone help me out here? I can re-color the wings myself.
  6. Question resolved by my account. But maybe it can help you. It even warns you about a cursing rule that you must follow. So enjoy! This is what I have so far. Unfortunately, my hands are too unsteady with the lasso select to place the wings I wanted on the ends. If anyone can help me make my tag look so evil that ppl will look at it and say "HOLY bloody potato!!", I'd be most appreciative. What I wanted to do first with it was place the wings from the middle/2nd colum on the ends of my tag (the second set of big ones, we're not counting the black wings). Problem is, I don't want any of that empty white space to go with it. Meaning I'd have to place the tag in an erased board template, open up the wings, use the lasso select, paste them onto the board, and paste them onto the left and right ends after re-sizing them to about 3/4 of that size. THEN I would have to find a way to copy the whole tag and paste it onto a new board with normal dimensions, (after erasing it once again, so there is no whit space when I place it) I can't use the Lasso Select, Caffeine makes my hands a LITTLE bit shaky, and I have no luck with it. Can anyone help me out here? I can re-color the wings myself.
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