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John Stewien

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Posts posted by John Stewien

  1. Yes! The XML file means I HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL! God bless you sir. God bless your pants right off. It would be a major paradigm shift, but I wish all the plugins were like this.

    Your the first person who liked my little scheme. I'm going to have to change it a little bit though so as to please more people. I'm going to:

    - Split up all the functions into separate DLLs

    - Change the default parent menu items to be the standard menu items

    But I will be retaining the single XML file that can be used to change the default parent menu items. What will change is that instead of turning off a function in the xml file, you simply remove the DLL for that function.

  2. What you are seeing is thus neither a Paint.NET nor a GDI+ bug, and is simply (as far as I can tell) an artifact of the limited precision available when using 8 bits per channel.

    I've changed the web page to read "You might notice that this filter doesn't quite round trip properly when you blend back with the color that was removed, this is likely due to a precision error from working in 8-bits per channel."

    Paint.NET is a great platform, I hope I can find the time to contribute something a bit more interesting in the future.

  3. Why are you blaming GDI+ and Paint.NET? You have access to the raw pixel data, you can do whatever pixel manipulation you want.

    Hi Rick,

    My "Transparency by Color" filter removes the color, to round trip back to the original image an underlying layer needs to be filled with the color that was removed, and then the image needs to be flattened using the built in Paint.NET functionality. After doing this there seems to be some quantization errors which I reported in my bug report post that I linked to, and that you responded to saying it was a GDI+ issue. If you like I can remove the bit about how it doesn't round trip properly. I tried to get around it by biasing the values that came out of the transparency by color filter, but that ended up overshooting the required values.

  4. so explain to me inbetter the steps I need to do to try these out?

    Unzip the archive, copy the .DLL to the effects directory where Paint.NET is installed. The filters will appear in Paint.NET under the "StewienFilters" parent menu. Optionally you can edit the xml file.

    some look quite similar to others we have already.

    Quite likely as what I've done so far is fairly simple. I'm going to add some more filters. Looking through this forum I think most of the plugins are for effects rather than image filters. I just thought I would post what I had already to see if people complain about my setup for example:

    A) The download is from SourceForge which requires a couple of clicks

    B) The filters are grouped under "StewienFilters" parent menu by default

    C) I've set up a dedicated website with sample images that people have to go to if they want to preview what the filters do

    D) I haven't posted the source code in a convenient .zip archive

  5. Stewien Filters is a Paint.NET plugin project I’ve just started working on. I’ve got some background in image processing in the medical industry, and I wanted to apply some of that experience to creating Paint.NET plugins. Although what I’ve done so far is pretty simple.

    I’ve put up some documentation and sample images on a web site with separate web pages for each filter. This is the first release (version 1.2) and instead of releasing all the filters as separate DLLs and hard coding the parent menu into the filters, I’ve instead included an XML file that allows the user to configure which filters are visible, and which parent menu the filters come under. The XML file goes in the same location as the DLL. If missing the DLL will create a new XML file with default options.

    Let me know what you think about this configuration method.

    The filters are open source and are hosted on SourceForge as part of my StewienMisc project. The binary DLL, and xml file are in a zip archive that can be downloaded from


    The filters included in this version are (links contain screenshots):

    Dilate (see http://stewienfilters.com/Dilate.aspx)

    Kuwahara Filter (see http://stewienfilters.com/KuwaharaFilter.aspx)

    Kuwahara Filter Modified (see http://stewienfilters.com/KuwaraharaFilterModified.aspx)

    To Angle (see http://stewienfilters.com/ToAngle.aspx)

    Transparency By Color Subtraction (see http://stewienfilters.com/TransparencyByColor.aspx)

  6. So this bug shouldn't actually affect your drawings in any way as the visual difference between 254 and 255, for example, is essentially nothing.

    Visually it might not be much different but it depends what you are using your images for. Paint.NET is a nice proggy for editing data that has been converted to image form. Unfortunately this issue is causing me grief.

  7. When I draw Pixels with Alpha they don't retain their proper value. To Reproduce in Paint.NET 3.36:

    New Document

    Select All and Clear

    Select the Rectangle Tool

    Select Draw Filled Shape

    With the Colors Window select ARGB 65,255,255,255

    Draw a Rectangle

    With the Color Picker Tool sample the rectangle just drawn

    You will get an ARGB of 65,254,254,254 so all the RGB values are 254 instead of 255

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