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Posts posted by quelye

  1. Hi,Nascaraddicts93..

    I just solved the my problem just now..same with the trouble you had..

    ~Here is what i do:

    -Go to the Effects Folder..*can you see another folder contains the effects that you just download?

    -Open it..copy all inside that folder

    -Go back to the Effects Folder and paste it all there..

    Then try to open your paint.net again.Hope this can help you out of the trouble. :)

  2. Hi! Im a new members here and also new to paint.net..

    I tried to follow the tutorials made here but i found there's a some of the effect or tools that i dont have..so,i cant finished my project.

    This is the tools that i dont have:

    - gradient bars

    - bevel selection

    - power stretch

    Maybe i dont have several tools but not fine it yet.. :( I appreciate if someone can tell me what happen to my paint.net.Thanks!

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