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Posts posted by bleekay

  1. Hello, Folks!

    I'm wondering if there's a plug-in pack for Paint.NET that seems to have the more "essential" or "must have" plug-ins. I mean, is there something that where someone has gone through the list of plug-ins and removed the ones that seems to duplicate functions? I ended up downloading a few plug-in packs and found that I had 3 or 4 duplicates of the Flip and Rotate functions on top of what comes built-in to Paint.NET. I don't mean to sound facetious but do we really need to keep re-inventing the wheel?

    If there were a list of plug-ins "approved" by the original author and call it the Brewster Pack I'm sure that would be cool. This would certainly simplify things for the end users of PDN.

    ...Just my 2ยข

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